Labour market in Poland June 2010

A roughly estimated index of unemployment rate ( based on the number of employees at the end of May this year) was 11,6% in June 2010 and in comparison to May this year has decreased by 0,3 percentage points. In the same period last year the index has decreased by 0,1 point (from 10,7% to 10,6%). In June 2010 the decrease of unemployment rate (approximately by 0,2 to 0,7 points) was reported in all provinces.

The largest decrease of unemployment rate was reported in the provinces where the index was the highest that is in warmińsko-mazurskie and zachodniopomorskie (by 0,7%). The smallest decrease was reported in the provinces with large urban agglomerations that is in mazowieckie and śląskie (by 0,2)

The number of unemployed at the end of June 2010 was 1 846 thousands of people (based on reports sent by the provincial labour offices) and in comparison to the end of May 2010 it decreased by 62 thousands of people (that is by 3,2%)

The decrease reported in June 2010 was greater than the one reported a year before when the unemployment rate decreased in the same length of time by 1,5% (by 24,8 thousands of people).



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